The PDP Framework to Teaching reading

The PDP (prereading, while reading, and post reading)framework is a structure that can be used to teach reading comprehension strategies to students.

Prereading: This stage involves preparing students for reading by activating their prior knowledge about the topic and setting a purpose for reading. Prereading activities may include discussing the topic, generating questions about the text, and previewing the text to get an overview of its structure and main ideas.

While reading: This stage involves actively engaging with the text as students read. During this stage, students should use comprehension strategies such as making predictions, asking questions, and summarizing to help them understand the text.

Post reading: This stage involves reflecting on and reviewing the text after reading. Post reading activities may include discussing the text, writing a summary or response, or completing a graphic organizer to help students organize their understanding of the text.

By using this framework, teachers can help students develop the reading comprehension skills they need to understand and engage with text effectively.

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